Saturday, March 1, 2008

Traditional Music in Bahrain

There are a couple of Eid holidays during the Islamic year. Eid is usually the feast days that follow the fasting month of Ramadan, or another important holiday. I captured these still photos, on an afternoon celebration during one of those festivals on our "village green". Here they are dancing with the Bahraini flag. I am glad that we, as visitors, get to see some of the traditions.

In Bahrain, there is definitely a clash, (I wish I didn't have to say clash, but it really is a diametrically opposed rendition) between the old and the new, the traditional and the modern. Remember the extreme buildings going up downtown?

And now look at this video, and imagine these men on a street in old Muharrak, during an Eid celebration. Click on the "play" arrow.

I am happy to share with you some unique audio/visual events from Bahrain. Glad on the one hand, that those of you with DSL, or a high speed computer connection, can see and hear the movies from this blog, and very happy that I figured out how to have it here for you. Please, be sure for today's viewing, that you have the sound turned on (on your computer).

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