Monday, February 11, 2008

The Gulf Hotel

Last night our friends invited us to have dinner at the Chinese Restaurant in the Gulf Hotel. This hotel was one of the first 5 star hotels in Bahrain. In 1978, we stayed there briefly, waiting to go to Doha, Qatar. After about 10 days of waiting for our Visas to be processed, the Bank moved us to a newly built residenial hotel, where we stayed for three months. While at that hotel, Michael started preschool, and we are still in touch with the family with whom we would carpool to that school.

David reminds me that when he played tennis on the rooftop courts of the Gulf Hotel, a ball that was wildly hit over the fence, would likely land in the sea. Nowadays, there is so much re-claimed land outside the hotel, there is a major highway and at least 50 new hotels and high-rise apartment buildings,..... you can barely see the water.

This is the glass chandelier (which hasn't changed) in the lobby of the Gulf Hotel.

Thank you Colin and Salima for the pre-birthday celebration!

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